The blueprint for building consumer flexibility solutions

Decarbonizing the energy system is the single biggest step on our journey towards Net Zero. To reach that milestone, we need to increase the flexible capacity in the system. It’s the only way to balance supply and demand as more non-dispatchable renewable energy sources are brought online.
Consumer energy devices can help. More and more distributed energy devices (DERs) are entering consumers’ homes every day, presenting a large and growing opportunity to harness their flexible load, and drive benefits back to the entire ecosystem.
Energy suppliers are in a good position to realize that opportunity – and first-movers like Tibber and Octopus Energy are already launching solutions that leverage hundreds-of-thousands of DERs to reduce pressure on the grid while lowering consumer energy costs.
Strong consumer flexibility products can elevate energy suppliers from selling a low-engagement commodity, to being deeply embedded in consumers’ everyday energy consumption.
But building them is challenging, and navigating the complexities can slow energy suppliers’ time to market. That’s why we created The future energy supplier’s blueprint for consumer flexibility.
After years of experience in supporting energy suppliers to build consumer flexibility products, we’ve gathered valuable insights about what it takes to plan, develop and launch a successful product. And now we've compiled them into a guide that helps take energy suppliers through the process.
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Curious to know more about what you can expect? Here's a peek into the five key strategic considerations we explore in the guide: